Living Photos

QUICK SEARCH LARGE IMAGES by Carole-Anne Fooks and Geoffrey Higges of Adelaide, Australia

OBJECTS & ABSTRACT - put the mouse over the space below then over the names on the left

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Please wait for first image to load here. Then place mouse over each image name to the left.

091 Mach 3 Jet Exhausting at Twice Atmospheric Pressure
092 Mach 3 Jet Exhausting at Atmospheric Pressure
093 Mach 3 Jet Exhausting at Half Atmospheric Pressure
094 Set of Jeweller's Pliers
095 Vanity
096 One Wall of Our Kitchen
097 Spaghetti Server
098 Strainer Ladle
099 Kitchen Scissors - Close Up
100 Mini Whisk
101 What the Carpet Sees
102 Circuit Board
103 Circuit Board
104 Circuit Board
105 Circuit Board
The initial photo represents a rocket exhaust
modelled by an air jet leaving a pressurised reservoir through a supersonic nozzle.

   Australia  |  Papua New Guinea  |  Italy  |  Flowers  |  Penguins  |  Wedding  |  Russia
UK Stained Glass Windows  |  UK Tudor Houses  |  Sand Hills in Namibia  |  People  |  African Safari  |  New Zealand  |  Dental

Ask about prices for commercial use of the photos including high resolution versions.

See also Living Travel (70 countries/40,000 photos)