Living Photos

QUICK SEARCH LARGE IMAGES by Carole-Anne Fooks and Geoffrey Higges of Adelaide, Australia

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166 Hippopotamus in the Chobe River, Botswana
167 Impala on the banks of the Chobe River, Botswana
168 Giant Kudu in the scrub of Chobe Park, Botswana
169 Young elephant feeding, Etosha Park, Namibia
170 Elephants at a waterhole, Etosha Park, Namibia
171 The impressive oryx, Etosha Park, Namibia
172   Zebras fighting, Etosha Park, Namibia
173 Lion, Etosha Park, Namibia
174   Jackal feeding young, Etosha Park, Namibia
175 The very small steenbok, Etosha Park, Namibia
176  Springbok, Etosha Park, Namibia
177 Giraffe spreading its front legs preparatory to drinking
178 Flamingos, Walvis Bay, Namibia
179 Flamingos, Walvis Bay, Namibia
180   Fur Seals, Cape Cross, Namibia
The initial photo shows a matriarch elephant leading the herd across the Chobe River, Botswana.

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See also Living Travel (70 countries/40,000 photos)